Finished 10th Speech

Wow, what a journey.  I finished my 10th speech.  Now I need to pick my advanced manuals.  Most Toastmasters know this as becoming a Competent Communicator.  My 10th speech is supposed to me inspirational, which I think it was.  I had endeavored to inspire people to kick their Toastmasters’ journey into high gear and strive to meet their goals and objectives.  I compared the speeches 1 – 10 as gears of a car.

Neutral – Joining the club
1st – Icebreaker speech
2nd – Speech #2
3rd – Speech #3
4th – Speech #4
5th – You are at highway speed.  You have created the momentum to your final destination.

Occasionally you find yourself back in the neutral position and you need to get going through the gears again.  Table topics and club roles are an excellent way to regain your composure in the momentum cycle.