Getting Comfortable Using Visual Aids

This was speech number 8 for me.   Getting comfortable using visual aids was the main goal of the speech.  I think it went pretty well considering this was my first time, but as you know there has to be a first for everything. I was able to demonstrate my points and explain my points very easily.  The hard part for me was having a good friend of mine who is so much more accomplished; evaluate me.

Things I could have improved on include:

  • Lighter background – I had used black
  • My font color compensated for the dark background, but needed to be larger
  • Some of my PowerPoint slides were a little heavy with words
  • Could have used pictures to demonstrate some my points
Unrelated to the visual part of the presentation, I had multiple mini topics that could have been done as individual speeches.   I think I understand this point and may even rewrite these mini-topics into new speeches.
All and all, I accomplished the one speech that really scared me.  I was worried about coordinating my slides with my speech.  My nervousness was getting the better of me at the beginning, but by the time I got to the front, I was okay with everything.  I think I will tweak my presentation and give it at another time.

About apallant
Andrew Pallant (@LdnDeveloper) has been a web, database and desktop developer for over 16 years. Andrew has worked on projects that ranged from factory automation to writing business applications. Most recently he has been heavily involved in various forms for ecommerce projects. Over the years Andrew has worn many hats: Project Manager, IT Manager, Lead Developer, Supervisor of Developers and many more

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